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In this post, I’ll show you the 5 best content marketing strategies for health. And since data from Demand Metric states that content marketing has made 70% of consumers feel close to their companies and thus more likely to buy, I’ll show you exactly how you can do the same. So let’s dive in.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the practice of using all types of content with the purpose of strengthening a brand, building demand generation, and converting new customers/users.

Some of the most common forms of content marketing include video, podcasts, blogs, webinars, newsletters, and email.

Why Content Marketing Matters For Brands?

It’s easy.

Content marketing yields exponential ROI.

Among marketers worldwide, a study from Statista showed that 88% of marketers considered their content successful in bringing in new business.

Which is likely why over 90% of all organizations use content in their marketing strategy (Demand Metric).

(Source: Demand Metric)

Brand building and demand generation are imperative components of organizational growth.

But what about conversions?

Conversion rates are nearly 6x higher for content marketing adopters than non-adopters (2.9% vs 0.5%). (Aberdeen).

That’s one of the real powers of content marketing for brands.

When an organization consistently publishes high quality content relevant to their audience or user base,

 people see their brand as the go-to leader in the space.

Which makes them exponentially more likely that people will think of your brand when making their purchasing decisions.

Three Step Content Marketing Plan for Brands

1. Publish Industry Studies

One of the most effective ways to place your brand as an authority in your marketplace is by publishing studies in your specific industry. 

Aside from building strong credibility, industry studies often generate numerous backlinks,

which as you can imagine, is imperative for SEO.

A study by Contently found that 94% of respondents said that they carefully consider how the information they share will be useful to the recipient.

and nearly half of the respondents reported sharing content because it allows them to inform others of products they care about and potentially encourage action.

The more informative and statistic-rich your content is, the more likely it is to get backlinks or be shared.

And when you start to publish industry studies too,

you’ll be the source of other blogs or articles that reference your work.

2. Video Content

Whether your user-base is B2B or B2C, video content has been proven to be one of the most effective components of a content marketing strategy. 

Over 69% of worldwide marketers projected that they would use video content as part of their content strategy in 2022 (statista).

And according to Wyzowl, 87% of marketers say that videos has helped them increase traffic.

(Source: Wyzowl)

While 81% of marketers say their videos has directly helped them increase sales

(Source: Wyzowl)

and 93% of marketers say that video marketing has increased their brand awareness.

(Source: Wyzowl)

So there you have it.

Video marketing is one of the most engaging and effective ways to build both awareness and new customers seamlessly.

3. Send Weekly Newsletters

A survey done by the Content Marketing institute showed that 31% of business’s use email newsletters as a way to warm up potential customers.

However, one of the biggest mistakes that brands make when building newsletter opt- in pages is this:

building an incredibly boring, generic pitch like “ Sign up for our newsletter for updates” like the image below:

Instead, you want your call-to-action (CTA) to be novel and intriguing with a very specific offer that your customer-base wants.

Similar to the image below:

With that said, the real benefit of newsletters is long term branding opportunity.

With the power of a newsletter, you can get your brand in front of thousands of potential customers weekly.

Over time, this will build the know-like-and trust factor and inevitably convert more customers.

4. Create Full Guides

One of the purposes of content marketing is to build great SEO, yet a study by Backlinko found that 94% of content gets zero backlinks.

In fact, that same study found  that the top 10 results for most keywords tended to be 1,447 words in length on average:

(Source: Backlinko)

However, the downside is that building complete guides can be very time consuming.

A powerful and comprehensive guide can take anywhere from three to six times the length of time of publishing a blog post.

But long form content is always ideal for SEO.

From both an exposure and credibility perspective, the time commitment to building a string guide is worth it.


Why Influencer Nexus?At Influencer Nexus, we are niche focused in helping brands build a content strategy plan that illuminates their brand from the rest. If you’re a brand and want to explore more about how we can help you, schedule a time to talk with us below

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